Thursday, 13 January 2011

Learning differences between music

Hello kids! Today's discussion will be about learning the differences between music.

A week or so ago, I was at work when a family came in, buying a ton of CDs. Classics, like Ozzy Osbourne, Van Halen, etc. etc. All was well, until the dad spoke:

"They just don't make music like they used to. Like Bad Romance, and..*names random top 40 songs I can't remember at the moment*".


Really, dude? D:

1.) No. Of course they don't make music "like they used to". Music evolves, every decade, every generation. When my sister was my age, music what was popular then is different than it is now. So yeah, music always evolves. I'm sure your parents complained about your Rolling Stones vinyls as being trash or just noise.

2.) You...can' things like Lady Gaga or any pop singer to people like the ones you're buying! What does Gaga have in comparison to Osbourne, Van Halen, or even Metallica!? Nothing. You could compare, let's say, Cher to Gaga or Led Zeppelin to...Nine Inch Nails or Breaking Benjamin or something.  But not something completely different from the other. It just doesn't work that way.

Anyway, that was my mini-lesson/rant for the day. :3

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